30 Days of Security Testing – Day Twenty-Five

The challenge for Day Twenty-Five is - Find and use a mobile security tool. I've heard mixed responses about mobile security applications, on one hand I've heard that Lookout is a good antivirus application - I used it on my first smartphone, a Galaxy S many many moons ago, but managed to brick it -... Continue Reading →

30 Days of Security Testing – Day Fourteen

The challenge for Day Fourteen is - Develop a test plan including security tests. In my day-to-day work I don't necessarily write formal test plans, but rather user stories for what I'm going to test. When writing my user story I'd consider the following points for security: Environment:  How is this application accessed?  Private network... Continue Reading →

30 Days of Security Testing – Day Nineteen

The challenge for Day Nineteen is - Research Script Kiddies and/or packet monkeys. Script Kiddies and Packet Monkeys are derogatory term created by experienced hackers for unskilled/inexperienced hackers. Found a great article from the SANS institute written back in 2001 that explains the terms brilliantly. In more detail: Script Kiddies A script kiddie is a... Continue Reading →

30 Days of Security Testing – Day Seven

The challenge for Day Seven is - Learn one or more things about Penetration testing. I ran a quick google search for Penetration Testing definition and found this tidy video: To me, penetration testing looks like one of the coolest branches of testing. Getting paid to play hacker/spy and commanding some of the tastiest pay brackets... Continue Reading →

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